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Honda Trail 125 Forum

Welcome to the Honda Trail 125 Forum! We are an enthusiast forum for the Trail 125, Hunter Cub, CT125 or whatever it's called in your country. Feel free to join up and help us build an information resources for this motorcycle. Register a free account today to become a member. Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your own topics and posts, as well as connect with other members through your own private inbox!

Hidden talents and a business opportunity


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
I've discovered a talent I never new I had, you know when your about to do something stupid and a little voice tells you not to? Well until recently I've never heard that voice and I got the scars to prove it. Now all of a sudden I come to a section of trail that is sure to cause me pain of some kind and I bravely chicken out! Amazing right, I just don't do it. Now for the business opportunity, we'll say you've always wanted to ride the desert terrain. Well just book your plane ticket to Deming NM, I'll pick you up in a luxurious f150, drive you to one of our beautiful rental cabins here at hidden Valley ranch rv Park, provide you with a ct125 or atv to ride, guide you along the easiest trails in the area. Then we go to 1 of the really stupid sections where I'll show you pictures and videos of the route at which point we bravely chicken out, head into town to one of the many fine Mexican restaurants for food and drinks. Where if your not a competent enough liar on your own I'll provide you with stories of your bravery and daring on the death defying ride you just chickened out of, and since you never see me in my pictures or videos you can edit them as your own adventures to wow your family or friends. Brilliant right, you'll leave with memories of the great food, drinks, scenery and nice gentle terrain you enjoyed, and a valuable new skill to employ at home, don't feel like going to the emergency room today, just chicken out. Complimentary t-shirt saying I came to hidden Valley rv park and bravely chickened out will be presented upon departure. So who will be the 1st to visit? Better schedule your visit know before we get to popular as we're sure to make hundreds of dollars on this, investment opportunities exist.