Looks great! What material did he use for the print?
The design is really good, there's a lot of small details (like the wave pattern around the box) that add a lot to it even if it seems mostly aesthetic / minor. Although... Using ribs is something I'd definitely do differently because that would require printing with supports turned on. A few small modifications to the rib section and you'd be able to print this without any support material at all. I've considered this for my own bike several times, but I'm not so confident that will hold up over time with sunlight and vibrations because even with PETG those things can fail, and then I'd lose not only the toolbox but all the extra tools I put in there. Maybe I could solve that by adding an airtag so if it did fall, I'd at least get an alert and a possible location of where it was. Hmmmmmmm.......
Is it bolted closed, requiring you to unscrew it to open the toolbox? (since the original one requires you to do this anyway that's not an issue)