The main bag is a StreamTrail duffle. The duffle is not specifically made for the original rear carrier on CT125. It is held on the rack with a pair of rubber straps, and I think it would work with a wide variety of racks, as long as you make some sort of a flat surface to mount it on. The rack in your photo doesn't have a flat top surface. You can buy the duffle in a variety of colors without buying the "Fuel Your Wanderlist" kit if you buy it directly from StreamTrail. However, a regular StreamTrail duffle will not have the CT125 and Cub House printing on it, and you won't be able to buy the straps. When I talked with StreamTrail in Bangkok about getting just the straps, they said something like "They are just common straps sold everywhere" to paraphrase. However, the straps might be common in Thailand, but I still don't know where to buy them. They might be on Amazon or AliExpress, but I haven't been able to find them. The side bag is a different story. It mounts on a rack that comes with the kit, and the rack bolts to the toolbox holder mount on a standard CT125/Trail 125 rear carrier. The rear carrier in the photo you posted doesn't have the toolbox mount, so if you want to use a StreamTrail side bag, you will have to engineer something using a different side mount. If all you want is the main bag, then you can save money by just ordering a duffle and the matching inner wall directly from StreamTrail in Bangkok or StreamTrail in Tokyo. Since that Honda in your photo says CT125 and is brown in color, it wasn't sold in New Jersey.
Here is a link to StreamTrail in Bangkok, if all you want is the main duffle. Empty, the duffle is completely flat, so you will also want to buy an inner wall for it if you go that route:
Here is StreamTrail in Tokyo:
More than likely, Tokyo will refer you to Bangkok.