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Offroad gear - How not to be overly dramatic?


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2023
California, USA
I find myself in a bit of a conundrum. My primary (and really only at this point) street gear is an Aerostich R3. This is less than ideal as the road turns to dirt. I don't feel like the blistering 9hp requires hardcore MX gear but certainly more than a tshirt and jeans. I can and do wear the R3 pretty much all the time. It just seems a little dramatic for trekking down forest roads or playing at an OHV park.


Salty Sway

Dec 11, 2023
T-Shirt/ jeans maybe even t-shirt/shorts. I know dress for the slide ATGATT but riding the CT is more like a scooter than a motorcycle and just not going to do it. Our electric scooters will go nearly as fast as the CT and sometimes it's flipflops and no helmet. Do what you feel comfortable with and be willing to accept responsibility if it goes bad.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2022
T-Shirt/ jeans maybe even t-shirt/shorts. I know dress for the slide ATGATT but riding the CT is more like a scooter than a motorcycle and just not going to do it. Our electric scooters will go nearly as fast as the CT and sometimes it's flipflops and no helmet. Do what you feel comfortable with and be willing to accept responsibility if it goes bad.
The worst injuries I ever suffered on a two wheel vehicle was going about 25 on a bike, t shirt, jeans no brain bucket. Dog ran out in front of me sending me over the handle bars. Large deep scars hand, elbow , shoulder, eye brow, rang my bell pretty hard. You place your bets you take your chances. Flip flops and no helmet.............what could possibly go wrong 🤷‍♂️

Salty Sway

Dec 11, 2023
The worst injuries I ever suffered on a two wheel vehicle was going about 25 on a bike, t shirt, jeans no brain bucket. Dog ran out in front of me sending me over the handle bars. Large deep scars hand, elbow , shoulder, eye brow, rang my bell pretty hard. You place your bets you take your chances. Flip flops and no helmet.............what could possibly go wrong 🤷‍♂️
Our oldest crashed at Barber Motorsports Park in turn 8, a bit of damage to the bike, scuffed leathers no injuries. The following weekend riding a scooter home from the gym with shorts/t-shirt/helmet, a car turned in front of him, hand injuries and a shattered leg, spent the summer in a wheelchair. Our Youngest crashed at Talladega, head first with severe damage to his helmet and scuffs on his leathers. I'm well aware of the risks and thank God live in a country where I can make decisions for my wellbeing. The OP asked "Thoughts?" I have opinions and don't expect others to agree but I also don't judge others for their opinions.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2023
California, USA
This was not intended to turn into a gear vs no gear argument. If you wear shorts and tshirt, fine. I'm looking for ideas with more protection than that but maybe not a full aerostich which isn't really meant for dirt in the first place.

Salty Sway

Dec 11, 2023
MX pants have some padding but you could wear padded MTB shorts under a pair of jeans too. MX jersey or long sleeve t-shirt is about the same, chest protector and some MTB elbow pads will offer protection. Boots will be one of the best investments, help protect from twisted ankles and other damage from tipovers and such or sturdy shoes/workboots with MTB shin pads. MTB safety gear with the addition of boots will offer a modicum of protection


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
Bubble wrap😁? I'm probably the wrong guy to ask, I rode the cdt in tennis shoes, jeans and t-shirt with no helmet at times. Tbh Sneakydingo seemed more comfortable in his space suit and boots. I'm sure you will find a happy spot somewhere in between.
Btw just so you know who's giving advice I've also ridden a H-D naked thru town at 2am on a dare in my younger days.
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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2021
Maybe look at MX gear, it's not all hardcore. Some can be thrown on over regular clothes like a chest protector and leg armor, others are a bit more involved like the "jackets" meant to be worn under a jersey. I don't like MX pants so I usually wear knee & tibia protection over hiking pants.

I have a REV'IT! Eclipse Jacket that I really like for warm weather riding. It's mesh and I've added a back protector, but it's lacking chest protection so that's something to consider for off-road.
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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2022
Our oldest crashed at Barber Motorsports Park in turn 8, a bit of damage to the bike, scuffed leathers no injuries. The following weekend riding a scooter home from the gym with shorts/t-shirt/helmet, a car turned in front of him, hand injuries and a shattered leg, spent the summer in a wheelchair. Our Youngest crashed at Talladega, head first with severe damage to his helmet and scuffs on his leathers. I'm well aware of the risks and thank God live in a country where I can make decisions for my wellbeing. The OP asked "Thoughts?" I have opinions and don't expect others to agree but I also don't judge others for their opinions.
The worst accident I had on a motorcycle was getting rear ended waiting on a car ahead to make a left while riding my Ural. He hit me hard and threw me like a rag doll high in the air according to witnesses. Landed in the oncoming lane on my left shoulder and back of my head. The helmet took a good blow, the armor in the left shoulder of the Hein Gericke Timbuktu was destroyed and the material on the arm was ripped up . I almost left the helmet in the hack as I was only going a couple miles, kinda glad I didn't.;) Torn labrum was the worst of it. The ambulance crew was shocked when they got there, from the CALLS they got to 911 they knew they were picking up a corpse. No judgement, I do not need or think the government should make people do things for their own safety that should be left in our hands. We all have different priorities. One of my best friends I ride with often never wears a helmet. Me I "don't leave home without it.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2022
This was not intended to turn into a gear vs no gear argument. If you wear shorts and tshirt, fine. I'm looking for ideas with more protection than that but maybe not a full aerostich which isn't really meant for dirt in the first place.
Off road summer, jeans, boots, helmet and light gloves. At least a long sleeve Tee shirt. If feeling froggy a mesh jacket with armor. It's always a trade off, comfort vs protection. Extremes on either end of the scale often yield "unsatisfactory" results. In cooler weather I use the Timbuktu jacket instead of the mesh.
Bubble wrap😁? I'm probably the wrong guy to ask, I rode the cdt in tennis shoes, jeans and t-shirt with no helmet at times. Tbh Sneakydingo seemed more comfortable in his space suit and boots. I'm sure you will find a happy spot somewhere in between.
Btw just so you know who's giving advice I've also ridden a H-D naked thru town at 2am on a dare in my younger days.
Maybe a little alcohol is involved in this story :unsure: :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
Off road summer, jeans, boots, helmet and light gloves. At least a long sleeve Tee shirt. If feeling froggy a mesh jacket with armor. It's always a trade off, comfort vs protection. Extremes on either end of the scale often yield "unsatisfactory" results. In cooler weather I use the Timbuktu jacket instead of the mesh.

Maybe a little alcohol is involved in this story :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
Yep, tequila makes my clothes fall off, or It did many yrs ago. Anybody else go skinny dipping on hot summer nights or is that just a hillbilly thing?


Well-known member
May 25, 2022
Orange So.Cal.
Long pants (normally Wrangler Cargo's since I own ~10 pair of them). Ankle-height, steel toe hiking boots. A Hoodie with a T-shirt. Always a helmet, normally full-face or MX. Goggles (or sun glasses) and Mechanix Gloves. How I dress for riding most of the time. If I'm going to be primarily on the highway on my larger bikes or in the dirt then I have a pair of Kevlar-lined MC pants I wear. I got mine at Cyclegear. They don't look like MC pants (no flashy colors, or logos) lots of pockets and come in black (though mine have been washed so many times they now appear brown). Nice since, especially in the summer most of my rides involve me stopping-off someplace for a meal or to do some sightseeing and prefer not to stand-out.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2023
California, USA
One thing I was missing was a more dirt-appropriate helmet. I'm still dealing with Death Valley sand in the vents of my Shoei RF1400. My 3/4 Shoei J-Cruise II is not practical at all so I just ordered a Bell MX-9 Adventure that is on closeout at Revzilla for $139 . I decided to be more frugal with this purchase and not add another Shoei to the shelf. We'll see if i regret it.

I'll probably just keep using the Aerostich. I've worn it at temps as high as 112F. Since it doesn't have a liner, it shouldn't be too difficult to get the dirt/sand out of it afterwards so I can use it to commute to work.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2021
For hot weather riding in my Aerostich I will soak a neck buff/gaiter in water for evaporative cooling or if I'm going to be riding long enough that I know it will dry I'll soak my shirt too. Obviously only works where it's not excessively humid out. Something to keep in mind is that without the liner in your Aerostich dirt and sweat inside the suit can cause the Gore-Tex to fail prematurely where water can permeate it at lower pressure or soak duration. When I sent my Aerostich R3 Light in for repairs they water pressure tested it and found that to have happened at the armpits, collar, and back. In real world riding conditions it hasn't been a problem for me yet, but once it degrades like that there's no fixing it, best you can do is clean it and reapply water repellant treatment to the surface. Just something to consider for the care of the suit. For SoCal riding it's probably not as much of a concern as it would be if you were to ride a lot in the PNW.

Salty Sway

Dec 11, 2023
One thing I was missing was a more dirt-appropriate helmet. I just ordered a Bell MX-9 Adventure that is on closeout at Revzilla for $139 . I decided to be more frugal with this purchase and not add another Shoei to the shelf. We'll see if i regret it.

I'll probably just keep using the Aerostich. I've worn it at temps as high as 112F. Since it doesn't have a liner, it shouldn't be too difficult to get the dirt/sand out of it afterwards so I can use it to commute to work.
For that price the Bell is a good buy, not a bad helmet but Shoei and Arai are far superior I liked the shell constriction on the MX-9 but not the interior and found the visor to be disappointing. The MX-9 is louder and more effected by wind but at slower speeds may not be noticeable.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2023
California, USA
I had an open-box Arai in my cart but decided against it in favor of the much cheaper Bell. If I use it a lot, I'll upgrade. I haven't done really any dirt riding in the last couple years. This will at least allow me to get out in the dirt with an appropriate lid for now.