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1st annual meet and greet for forum members?


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2021
If I'm able to make it, any of the four corners states (AZ, CO, NM, UT) are fairly accessible to me from Northern Colorado. Would likely truck the bike out there anyway to conserve PTO.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
Nmcoyote mentioned a desire to attend and help with planning, I think due to personal obligations for some members we are trying to stay with the last of March date which knocked out some of the higher elevation sites?


Well-known member
May 25, 2022
Orange So.Cal.
If I'm able to make it, any of the four corners states (AZ, CO, NM, UT) are fairly accessible to me from Northern Colorado. Would likely truck the bike out there anyway to conserve PTO.
It would be great to finally meet you!

My bike(s) will also be coming via truck as well. Like others on this site I'm limited in how much time I can take-off so staying within a days drive of So.Cal., which most parts of Arizona and southern Utah are would be ideal.


Well-known member
May 31, 2023
Newer Mexico
I don’ Know much about AZ, only familiar with the metro area, so no help in planning really. The March time line will be tough on me as well due to wrapping up two large projects. I will get there, but will need to make it easy on myself. Probably will need a room/cabin but I will come prepared for adventure! I will need to research AZ carry laws to be safe, but looking forward to meeting you all.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
I plan on bringing both trail and dax so feel free to try out the Dax if you like. Seems like the AZ areas will have the best weather as long as we stick to lower elevation, kev250r has mentioned several areas he's has personal experience with so until another AZ local chimes in Kevs the man with the plan. Still plenty of time left although I think we should try to have it decided by end of January to make reservations at a campground/motel


Well-known member
May 25, 2022
Orange So.Cal.
I plan on bringing both trail and dax so feel free to try out the Dax if you like. Seems like the AZ areas will have the best weather as long as we stick to lower elevation, kev250r has mentioned several areas he's has personal experience with so until another AZ local chimes in Kevs the man with the plan. Still plenty of time left although I think we should try to have it decided by end of January to make reservations at a campground/motel
Thank you for the vote of confidence! I have sampled many areas in Arizona, in fact this will be the first New Year's I haven't spent in Cottonwood or Sedona for the past six years. That said I know we have other members who live in or have also traveled in Arizona so if anyone else wants to suggest other places we might want to visit please feel free to add your thoughts!

Bryan, I'm also planning-on bringing my Trail and Dax, since my friend will be riding one of them.

I think we should wait a week or so before picking a spot or making reservations to see if anyone else has any suggestions on places to go since some people may not be frequenting this site as often as they normally do due to the Holidays.
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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
So? Where we going?
Cottonwood AZ, March 20th thru 23rd. Campgrounds in the area are booked up, motels are available. We are going to pick a local spot for Breakfast to meet each day for members who stay farther out and drive in each day. Kev250r has rented a house with a large backyard and grill where depending on number of people we may be having a cookout Saturday night. I know it's a bit of a hassle with local Campgrounds full, I don't know about boondocking options but hopefully the incredible scenery and good weather will make up for it. Please let's try to get as many members as possible even if you only ride Saturday. Thanks to Kev250r for suggesting this and let's take a herd of CT125s to AZ!


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
Question for members riding with the group? Would you prefer meeting somewhere for coffee at 8am and then a morning group ride and back to town for lunch, then after lunch another group ride or splitting up for individual rides that maybe more challenging? Or different area? Looking at the area there's more to ride than we will get to in 3 days, members who've ridden the area like kev250r and others can maybe provide some rides to choose from? Any direction we ride will be amazing I think. Please provide any feedback or opinions to help make this fun for everyone. Thanks


Well-known member
May 31, 2023
Newer Mexico
day one, two group rides, one in the am after breakfast and one in the afternoon. Day two maybe a loop ride where we go to another town/area for a lunch then continue the loop back to head quarters. Day three, break up into smaller groups and do some technical riding if you want of go find a place to fish. Is there fishing in the area? These are mere suggestions for the experienced planners of this epic first annual CT ride. We need a catchy name for this event!


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
day one, two group rides, one in the am after breakfast and one in the afternoon. Day two maybe a loop ride where we go to another town/area for a lunch then continue the loop back to head quarters. Day three, break up into smaller groups and do some technical riding if you want of go find a place to fish. Is there fishing in the area? These are mere suggestions for the experienced planners of this epic first annual CT ride. We need a catchy name for this event!
I'm looking to do something for each member who attends so a event name would be great start. These are great 💡 we will be having a group cookout or pizza dinner somewhere for everyone. Kev250r may be hosting at his Airbnb depending on group size. I will provide food and drinks.


Well-known member
May 31, 2023
Newer Mexico
Anyone received confirmation of their reservation from The View yet? I booked Monday but have not gotten the confirmation. Just wondering.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
I think your the only one other than kev250r and me who have made reservations. Others may be waiting a while or have other plans for lodging. Hopefully we'll have a full count soon


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
My daughter is looking at places for her and my wife to visit, these are a few that look interesting. I'm not sure what the roads are like getting there or in the surrounding area but the temple and castle are interesting. Anyone been to either place and can provide more input?


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Well-known member
May 25, 2022
Orange So.Cal.
The Temple I've not been to but Montezuma's Castle is worth a visit, though it's mostly a Visitors Center trip as they don't let you get any closer to the Castle then you see in the picture you posted. It's still a worthwhile stop.

Personally I more enjoyed seeing Montezuma's Well, which is about a 20 minute drive from the Castle. it's a large, what looks like a lake in a crater and as of five years ago they had some basic ruins there you were free to explore. Not much out there but it was interesting. If I recall there's some breed of fish which only lives in that water or something.

Something similar to Montezuma's Castle and is just outside of Cottonwood (maybe 10 minute drive from the Walmart) is a place called the Tuzigoot Monument. Which are a bunch of ruins built by the Native American's a long time ago which you are allowed to explore. It looks like a fort to me but if I recall they get mad if you call it a fort so maybe it's not a fort. But it sort of looks like one!

The town of Jerome is a neat place to visit too and is ~30 minute drive from Cottonwood. It's an old mining town quite literally built on the side of a mountain with a couple of Museum's and lots of shops women seem to like to spend their men's money at LOL!

Twenty minutes from Cottonwood is Sedona which is full of things to do for those who like over-priced just about everything and crowds (sorry, I sound biased I know). There are a lot of Winieries in the Page Springs area (again, 20 minutes from Cottonwood, are you sensing a trend?) If they are into those. I mean there are a lot of things to see and do in the area that's for sure! On the way to Montezuma's Castle is an Indian Casino. I was there with a former GF about ten years ago. I left her there for a couple of hours while I did some work for my job in the area. While I was gone she'd won a fair bit of money.

All the times I've been in this area we mostly have done the same things. Walk around Jerome, spend a day four-wheeling, look at houses we'd like to buy and turn into Air BnB's. Once we got pulled-over in my truck between I-17 and Cottonwood (so many Round about's!) I don't recommend that though I didn't get a ticket so that was cool.
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