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It would be great to finally meet you!If I'm able to make it, any of the four corners states (AZ, CO, NM, UT) are fairly accessible to me from Northern Colorado. Would likely truck the bike out there anyway to conserve PTO.
they will need a drone as wellAnyone planning to attend with video and camera capability want to volunteer to document the event and post to forums? Thanks in advance.
Thank you for the vote of confidence! I have sampled many areas in Arizona, in fact this will be the first New Year's I haven't spent in Cottonwood or Sedona for the past six years. That said I know we have other members who live in or have also traveled in Arizona so if anyone else wants to suggest other places we might want to visit please feel free to add your thoughts!I plan on bringing both trail and dax so feel free to try out the Dax if you like. Seems like the AZ areas will have the best weather as long as we stick to lower elevation, kev250r has mentioned several areas he's has personal experience with so until another AZ local chimes in Kevs the man with the plan. Still plenty of time left although I think we should try to have it decided by end of January to make reservations at a campground/motel
Cottonwood AZ, March 20th thru 23rd. Campgrounds in the area are booked up, motels are available. We are going to pick a local spot for Breakfast to meet each day for members who stay farther out and drive in each day. Kev250r has rented a house with a large backyard and grill where depending on number of people we may be having a cookout Saturday night. I know it's a bit of a hassle with local Campgrounds full, I don't know about boondocking options but hopefully the incredible scenery and good weather will make up for it. Please let's try to get as many members as possible even if you only ride Saturday. Thanks to Kev250r for suggesting this and let's take a herd of CT125s to AZ!So? Where we going?
I look forward to meeting you and riding with you my friend. Safe travelsBooked! the 19th thru the 23rd, let me know how I can help!
I'm looking to do something for each member who attends so a event name would be great start. These are greatday one, two group rides, one in the am after breakfast and one in the afternoon. Day two maybe a loop ride where we go to another town/area for a lunch then continue the loop back to head quarters. Day three, break up into smaller groups and do some technical riding if you want of go find a place to fish. Is there fishing in the area? These are mere suggestions for the experienced planners of this epic first annual CT ride. We need a catchy name for this event!