Welcome to the Honda Trail 125 Forum! We are an enthusiast forum for the Trail 125, Hunter Cub, CT125 or whatever it's called in your country. Feel free to join up and help us build an information resources for this motorcycle. Register a free account today to become a member. Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your own topics and posts, as well as connect with other members through your own private inbox!
Hi! excited to read familiar letters))) Our roads are differentздравствуйте! (я немного понимаю по русски). Welcome to the forum. I'm amazed you managed to get one in Russia. Do you have long, wide, very smooth roads where you are?
Today my new bike started his long way from Vladivostok to Rostov-on-Don (9500 kM)
Waitin him )))
The stock tires are awful over any loose or slippery terrain. You'll have much better luck with some trail or trials tires off-road.Yesterday I made my first trip. So, there are 2 things that I understood: 1. The speed is enough for me, but not enough for the road - the flow is much faster than me. 2. it is not for dirt at all! the front wheel instantly wrapped up the dirt and blocked
(translated by google)